Monday, February 1, 2016

The Tiger, The Cat and The Rats

Once upon a time, there was a cave where a tiger who was king of the forest lived. Unfortunately, in the cave also lived a pair of rats. With time the rats multiplied and began to disturb the tiger. The king could not sleep due to the noise the rats made. Worse yet, one night after the tiger fell asleep, the rats cut off his beautiful fur. This made the tiger very angry. He had the power to control all the animals in the forest and yet could not defeat the rats who ruined his fur and damaged his honor.

One day, the tiger went to find the cat. He sought to strengthen their family ties and officially recognized the cat as his cousin due their physical similarity. The cat was very happy to have the king of the forest as a cousin and moved in with him. Since then, the tiger lived happily in his cave.

By Ieng Mala


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