Monday, February 1, 2016

An Elephant and a Hare

An Elephant and a Hare
By Ieng Mala

Once upon a time, there were two friends who played together everyday, a young elephant and a hare. One day the hare asked, �Elephant, between you and I, who is bigger?� �Are you crazy?� retorted the elephant, �You do not have even the size of my leg.� �I�m not so sure,� said the Hare, �Let�s check with the human beings.�
They both agreed and walked to the village. Before leaving the forest edge, the hare suggested to the elephant: �You go out first and present yourself to the villagers.� The elephant followed the hare�s direction. Upon seeing the elephant, the villagers cried out with joy: �Look! Look! A cute little elephant.� The hare hiding in the bushes nearby whispered: �You heard that?� �Yes,� replied the elephant. �Come back in then,� said the hare. As the young elephant walked back into the forest, the hare quickly jumped out. The villagers exclaimed: �Look! Look! A big hare, a very big hare.�
The hare then joined the elephant and walked back into the forest. He jumped here and there and got behind the elephant and said: �Get out of my way. I will crush you.� And they both laughed.


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