Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Risk of opioid overdose 'influenced by prescription strength'

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US "is in the midst of a prescription painkiller overdose epidemic," and opioids are a key culprit, responsible for 44 deaths each day. But according to a new study, a patient's risk of death from an opioid overdose may be influenced by the dosage they are prescribed.

Are BPA-free food containers really safe?

Plastics that are "BPA-free" may not be better for you, say researchers, who have found that the replacement chemical, bisphenol S, has similar effects to the discredited bisphenol A. The findings are published in the journal Endocrinology.

Are cherry-flavored e-cigarettes more dangerous?

At Medical News Today, some of the studies that generate the most controversy relate to electronic cigarettes, and for good reason; the jury on the health effects of these devices is still out. A new study, however, looks at the specific flavorings used in the devices and finds that certain ones deliver higher doses of a respiratory irritant. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Negative food messages make sugary snacks more enticing

If you tell a child not to do something, what will happen? They will do it. Research published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research suggests that messages telling dieters that all sugary snacks are bad just make those snacks all the more compelling.

High fiber intake when young may lower women's breast cancer risk

High intake of fiber-rich foods in adolescence and early adulthood could reduce women's risk for breast cancer. This is the conclusion of a new study published in the journal Pediatrics.

Travel Guides | Banteay Meanchey

General Information

Banteay Meanchey is a Cambodian province in the northwest of the country, and its capital is named Sisophon. The town of Sisophorn is today a charming, quiet place that only gives hints to its turbulent past upon closer examination. Like Siem Reap and Battambang Provinces, control of the province

Travel Guides | Phnom Penh

General Information

Phnom Penh is the vibrant bustling capital of Cambodia. Situated at the confluence of three rivers, the mighty Mekong, the Bassac and the great Tonle Sap, what was once considered the 'Gem' of Indochina. The capital city still maintains considerable charm with plenty to see. It exudes a sort of

Travel Guides | Kampong Thom

General Information

Kampong Thom is Cambodia's second largest province by area. Its capital is named Kampong Thom, a picturesque town on the banks of the Stung Saen River.The Sambor temple and Prei Kuk temple are the two main temples in Kompong Thom as well as other less significant Angkorian sites. Kompong Thom was a very powerful capital in Southeast Asia during the Funan period. Later on, during the

Travel Guides | Preah Vihear

General Information

Preah Vihear is quite a big northern province of Cambodia. Its capital is called Phnom Tbeng Meanchey. The province itself is named after the temple of Prasat Preah Vihear, what is definitely the hotspot of this province. Much of the province is extremely remote and strongly forested.

Travel Guides | Siem Reap

General Information

Siem Reap province is located in northwest Cambodia. It is the major tourist hub in Cambodia, as it is the closest city to the world famous temples of Angkor (the Angkor temple complex is north of the city). The provincial capital is also called Siem Reap and is located in the South of the province on

Travel Guides | Stung Treng

General Information

Stung Treng is a northern province of Cambodia. It was formerly called Xieng Teng and was once a part of the vast Khmer Empire, then the Lao kingdom of Lan Xang and later the Lao kingdom of

Travel Guides | Oddor Meanchey

General Information

Oddar Meanchey is one of the smallest provinces of Cambodia located in the far Northwest bordering with Thailand. Its name means Victory Province and the provincial capital is called Samraong. This

Travel Guides | Mondulkiri

General Information

Mondulkiri is an eastern province of Cambodia, which is the most sparsely populated province in the whole country although being the largest province in Cambodia. The province is chock full of natural beauty, with thickly forested mountains, powerful waterfalls and the lush green rolling hills of the western side.

Travel Guides | Kratie


General Information

Kratie is one of Cambodia's eastern provinces with less population, who make their lives on the riverbanks of the Mekong. Beyond the riverbanks it is a remote place with almost no population and thick-forested areas to calm down. The provincial capital is also called Kratie and lies also on the banks of the mighty Mekong River, which emboss the province from the North to the South.

Travel Guides | Koh Kong

General Information

Koh Kong is the most southwestern province of Cambodia. It is one of the biggest provinces in the whole country with a long undeveloped coastline and a mountainous, forested and largely inaccessible interior, which embraces part of the Cardamom Mountains, the biggest coherent rainforest of Southeast Asia. Its tourist attractions include abundant wildlife; big waterfalls and casinos on the border to Thailand, while an Export Processing Zone and new port facilities are being developed for international trade.

Travel Guides | Kep

Kep City is a municipality in Cambodia with the status of a province. Kep is just a few kilometres from the border with Vietnam located and used to be Cambodia's most popular beach town but has fallen on hard times in recent years (especially due to the Khmer Rouge). Many of Kep's, mostly French villas are abandoned, but some of the town's former splendour is still apparent.

Travel Guides | Battambang

Battambang is Cambodia's second-largest city and the capital of Battambang Province, which was founded in the 11th century. It is the former capital of Monton Kmer and lies in the heart of the Northwest of Cambodia. Until the war years, in which almost every infrastructure was destructed it was the leading rice-producing province of the country.

10 Cars Men Lust After

The beautiful Maserati GranTurismo coupe was launched in 2007, and in 2010 they made an even more attractive (and more expensive) version – a cabriolet. They announced they would stop making it in 2014. Maserati GranTurismo S was introduced in 2008. This beast has a 4.7-liter V8 and 434 horsepower, reaches 62 mph in 4.9 seconds. Its top speed is 183 mph, which is more than great for a vehicle that weighs 1.8 tonnes. It is one of those things that can’t be described with words, so take a look at the photo, or even better – schedule a test ride if you can. It can be yours for roughly $150,000.

Reference: http://www.carophile.org

GM's Cadillac will import plug-in SUV from China

General Motors will begin importing a second model from China, the plug-in hybrid version of the Cadillac CT6 after the gasoline engine CT6 goes on sale later this year.

Phnom Khiev

Phnom Khiev:
It is the beautiful natural resort in Pailin, Cambodia, located on Khiev Mountain not far away from National Road 57A which run from Battambang to Pailin, but the gate of pathway to this resort

The Great Millionaire And The Poor

The Great Millionaire And The Poor
Translated from Khmer by Chhim Chan Bora

Once upon the time, in Cambodiadia lived a great millionaire who had plenty of both movable and immovable property. He had thousands of cows, buffalos, horses and elephants and thousands of hectares of paddy fields. He also had hundreds of warehouses in which silver, gold, diamonds and a wide variety of wealth were stored. The great millionaire had only one son named Thorn Serey, who later succeeded him as a great millionaire.

The hunter and the birds

The hunter and the birds

There was a hunter who had caught a black bird, a peacock and a heron. He taught them to play circus. He taught the black bird how to speak like men, and the peacock and the heron how to dance. When the hunter taught the tree birds skillfully, he took them to play circus for the king in his palace for gift and money from the king as he wanted. The king asked him " What do the tree birds know "

One crow to ten crows

One crow to ten crows

There were two men named Akhoch and Akhil who lived in two different villages, and had different opinions. Akhoch put manure in a jar and sealed it. And Akhil made a little sword and put it in a big scabbard. Akhil took his sword over his shoulder to sell, and Akhoch took his jar of " prahok " to sell too, Akhoch went from here and Akhil came from here, when they met each other, Akhoch called out " Come to buy my prahok! My prahok is delicious and boneless. You can make soup or eat it fresh. Come on and buy it! "

The crow and the deer

Once there lived together as friends two animals, a crow and a deer. Later on a wolf met the deer in the forest and wanted to be his friend, then the deer agreed. Then the two animals often met each other. But the crow knew that the wolf was very wicked, and dishonest; then he warned the deer not to be friendly with the wolf.

The female crocodile who wanted to eat the monkey's heart

When in one of his former births, the Buddha was born as a monkey, called Mahakabin, he was powerful and lived in the forest near the river in which there was a small island in the middle. That island had every kind of fruit for his food. Between the river and the shore there was a sand bank. The monkey leaped from the shore to the sand bank first, then to the island.

Two Women and a Baby

Two Women and a Baby

Once upon a time, there was a woman who bore no child and desired to have one. She wandered from place to place and, one day, she met a woman carrying a baby. She said to the young mother, "You have a very beautiful baby. May I hold her?" The mother replied, "Of course you may," as she handed her child to the woman stranger. The woman held, hugged, kissed and played with the baby with joy. Then she tried to sneak away with the child. The mother shouted after her, "Hey! Don't take my baby away. Please give her back to me." "What? Are you crazy? This baby is mine," claimed the woman. The two disputed and went to the community court but no court in the country could find a just decision. Thus the case was sent to the King.

The Tiger, The Cat and The Rats

Once upon a time, there was a cave where a tiger who was king of the forest lived. Unfortunately, in the cave also lived a pair of rats. With time the rats multiplied and began to disturb the tiger. The king could not sleep due to the noise the rats made. Worse yet, one night after the tiger fell asleep, the rats cut off his beautiful fur. This made the tiger very angry. He had the power to control all the animals in the forest and yet could not defeat the rats who ruined his fur and damaged his honor.

One day, the tiger went to find the cat. He sought to strengthen their family ties and officially recognized the cat as his cousin due their physical similarity. The cat was very happy to have the king of the forest as a cousin and moved in with him. Since then, the tiger lived happily in his cave.

By Ieng Mala

Reference:  http://www.chanbokeo.com

Origin of the Tiger

Origin of the Tiger
retold by Toni Shapiro

A long time ago, there lived a great king who ruled over a rich Kingdom. He had a wise and beautiful Queen, four Chief Ministers, a Royal Astrologer, who always helped the king make decisions, and a whole class of Mandarins and great Officials to perform all the honors for the king.

An Elephant and a Hare

An Elephant and a Hare
By Ieng Mala

Once upon a time, there were two friends who played together everyday, a young elephant and a hare. One day the hare asked, �Elephant, between you and I, who is bigger?� �Are you crazy?� retorted the elephant, �You do not have even the size of my leg.� �I�m not so sure,� said the Hare, �Let�s check with the human beings.�
They both agreed and walked to the village. Before leaving the forest edge, the hare suggested to the elephant: �You go out first and present yourself to the villagers.� The elephant followed the hare�s direction. Upon seeing the elephant, the villagers cried out with joy: �Look! Look! A cute little elephant.� The hare hiding in the bushes nearby whispered: �You heard that?� �Yes,� replied the elephant. �Come back in then,� said the hare. As the young elephant walked back into the forest, the hare quickly jumped out. The villagers exclaimed: �Look! Look! A big hare, a very big hare.�
The hare then joined the elephant and walked back into the forest. He jumped here and there and got behind the elephant and said: �Get out of my way. I will crush you.� And they both laughed.

Reference: http://www.chanbokeo.com

The King and the Buffalo Boy

Once upon a time, a king and his ministers were hunting in the forest. They rode together for many hours, but they could not find any animals. As they were tired and hungry they decided to stop and rest.

The ministers ordered the servants to pitch the hunting tents and to prepare the special food for the king’s lunch.